charlie groll.

Movie Journal

Under The Stars (2023)

Mar 19, 2024
Movie poster for Under The Stars
I'm not sure how faithfully Yazid's story was told, but, between the acting and direction, I really felt like I was watching his life. I was right there with him, feeling what he felt and experiencing the tribulations he was feeling. More than anything, that's what I feel film is about.

The Fox (2022)
★★★ ½

Mar 14, 2024
Movie poster for The Fox
It got me emotionally invested until you realize that there's no possibility for a happy ending. The pacing was a bit off for me, especially the first act, and I wasn't sold on the acting at the climax (yelling "sorry" from the truck).
Good film, overall. Enjoyed it.

The Cowboy and the Queen (2023)

Mar 03, 2024
Movie poster for The Cowboy and the Queen
Excellent documentary. A bit hard to watch at times, as they show violence towards horses, but it really drives home how beautiful of a man Monty is.

Bienvenidos a Los Angeles (2023)
★★ ½

Mar 03, 2024
Movie poster for Bienvenidos a Los Angeles
A lot of this fell flat for me. The dialogue was a bit weak, and the editing and cinematography felt disjointed from the emotions we were supposed to feel.

Dead Cat (2023)
★★★★ ½

Mar 03, 2024
Movie poster for Dead Cat
Hilarious. A tight production with great acting.

Yellow (2023)
★★★★ ½

Mar 03, 2024
Movie poster for Yellow
This is probably recency bias, but this reminded me a bit of The Zone of Interest. The banality of evil played out in this interaction. The emotions, pretty raw. I thought it had really strong direction and camerawork.

Tehachapi (2023)

Mar 03, 2024
Movie poster for Tehachapi
Tremendously powerful. This is what art can and should do for the world.

The Family Circus (2023)
★★★ ½

Mar 02, 2024
Movie poster for The Family Circus
Lots of uncomfortable/cringe realism. Loved/hated it. The tension in this situation was beautiful at times. Most of all, I loved how connections from strangers, very different people, can form in the weirdest circumstances.

In the Garden of Tulips (2023)
★★★ ½

Mar 02, 2024
Movie poster for In the Garden of Tulips
A lot of emotion from these actors.

Klette (2022)

Mar 02, 2024
Movie poster for Klette
It’s tough being an uncertain 20-something, but it’s really nice to see someone who is loved and has support systems. Great editing and camerawork.